Time tracking

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Easy and accurate time tracking

Make it easy for your team to track their time, avoid untracked time, and focus on their cleaning tasks.

Track Time Easily

Employees can clock in and out with the easiest method for them — mobile app geolocation, tapping NFC sensors, text message, phone call, or barcode scanning.

Prevent Buddy Punching

Prevent employees from using a single device to punch in for multiple employees.

Custom Reminders

Set time windows to limit when employees can clock in at a location. Create reminders to notify your team and remind them to clock in and out.

Fixed Compensation Option

For contractors working on a fixed fee, time tracking allows clock in and clock out without generating billable hours.

Activity Records for Managers

Administrators have access to a comprehensive activity log including how clock ins/outs were recorded and if records were changed, creating full transparency for team managers.


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